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tiletum box art

Tiletum Review

When is a T-game not a T-game? The answer is… I’m not sure. Board&Dice have a line of games that are lovingly referred to as the T-games, and I’ve covered some of them before. Let’s take a look at Tiletum.

Giveaway! Win a game (UK only)

This is your chance to win a game. I’m in the very fortunate position of having some new, sealed games courtesy of Ravensburger UK, Big Potato Games, and Kosmos Games, that need a home. Maybe that could be your home.

waggle dance box art

Waggle Dance Review

I’d love to stroke a bumblebee, they look sooo fluffy. Waggle Dance is a new version of the classic game from Mike Nudd, from Bright Eye Games.

ark nova box art

Ark Nova Review

All too often I’ve seen the hype for new games fade quicker than a cheap sparkler, but here we are, a year later, and people are still talking about Ark Nova. Mathias Wigge might not be a name you knew a year ago, so should you know it now?

halloween board game guide

The Halloween Board Game Guide

Now that we’re able to be in the same room as other people again, why not throw a Halloween party of your own, and get family and friends gathered around a table to turn the spook dial all the way up to 11.

manifest box art

Manifest Review

Manifest is a ’20s-themed pick-up-and-deliver affair. Rival shipping companies aim to be the best, making money by shipping goods and passengers around the globe.

basilica box art

Basilica Review

Basilica is another new game which puts you in the role of cathedral builder extraordinaire. It’s a game where two of you battle to be the best builder, and let me tell you, when I say battle, I mean battle. Things are going to get feisty

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Punchboard has a partner – Kienda!

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve teamed up with online board game retailer Kienda. It’s good news for me, as it means I’ll have more board game reviews to bring you, and it’s good news for you, as I’ll be able to offer things like discounts and giveaways.

salerno 43 box art

Salerno ’43 Review

Today I’m upping the ante with my recent dive into wargaming. Putting on my big boy trousers and stepping up to ‘hex and counter’ games. My first foray proper into this world is with Salerno ’43, a game from GMT Games and designer Mark Simonitch.