Tagged: 1-4 Players

search for planet x box art

The Search For Planet X Review

Other players will know where you’re looking, and what you’re looking for, but not the outcome. It’s time to employ some logic.

oros box art

Oros Review

Oros is a unique game which deserves way more attention than it gets. If you’re one of those people who’s always looking for that undiscovered gem, or just want something different from anything you’ve played before, Oros is a fantastic choice.

rogue angels box art

Rogue Angels Preview

I’ve played through several hours of the included campaign now, and I’ve got to tell you, it actually lives up to the claim. Rogue Angels is Mass Effect: The Board Game in all but name.

the gallerist box art

The Gallerist Review

Visitors of three different kinds enter the game at the plaza, and it’s your job to bring them towards your gallery and away from the galleries of your rivals. Think of it like a connoisseur version of Hungry Hungry Hippos.

kapow box art

KAPOW! Volume 1 Review

I wonder how you’re meant to say the name of this game. Do I turn up to my local game group and say “Hey guys, who wants to play KAPOW!?”. I’d scare the crap out of them.

revive box art

Revive Review

Revive picks the things it wants to do – and there are a lot of them – and does each of them really well. Is it enough to revive the interests of those of you bored-to-death of Euros full of mechanisms?

akropolis box art

Akropolis Review

Akropolis would be tricky enough if was just a case of planning your own city because there are a buttload of decisions to make with every single tile choice and every single tile placement.

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Skymines Review

Skymines is a blast. I’ve taught it to my regular group and they all had a great time with it. It’s a strange game in as much as there’s quite a lot going on, but it never feels like it’s too much.

ynaros fallin box art

Ynaros Fallin’ Preview

Rival Shamans face off across a magical land, a magical land which is conveniently made of hexagons. Your aim: to become the most powerful Shaman the land has ever seen.

Votes For Women Review

In previous reviews, I’ve talked about how theme is woven into games, like threads in a tapestry. In Votes for Women it’s less ‘weaving threads’ and more like ‘pick up that tapestry and dunk it in a tank of permanent dye’.