Courtisans Review
What’s on the menu? Hors d’oeuvres of influence & backstabbing, followed by a main course of skullduggery and shenanigans.
What’s on the menu? Hors d’oeuvres of influence & backstabbing, followed by a main course of skullduggery and shenanigans.
Malum Hortus is a cooperative game where you play nymphs, lured to a beautiful garden to frolic, or do whatever it is when nymphs have a few hours to kill. Some weeding, maybe?
Conquer all before you, or Gilgamesh your way out of trouble. Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East lets you do both.
I’ve played through several hours of the included campaign now, and I’ve got to tell you, it actually lives up to the claim. Rogue Angels is Mass Effect: The Board Game in all but name.
In previous reviews, I’ve talked about how theme is woven into games, like threads in a tapestry. In Votes for Women it’s less ‘weaving threads’ and more like ‘pick up that tapestry and dunk it in a tank of permanent dye’.