El Grande Review
I’ve loved El Grande from the first time I played it. It’s a classic for a reason, and this reprint just makes it better in my opinion.
I’ve loved El Grande from the first time I played it. It’s a classic for a reason, and this reprint just makes it better in my opinion.
When Jon from Deathtrap Games got in touch to see if I wanted to take a look at his game – Take The Throne – I jumped at the chance
Skymines is a blast. I’ve taught it to my regular group and they all had a great time with it. It’s a strange game in as much as there’s quite a lot going on, but it never feels like it’s too much.
Rival Shamans face off across a magical land, a magical land which is conveniently made of hexagons. Your aim: to become the most powerful Shaman the land has ever seen.
If you’ve found your way here in 2023, it’s likely it’s because you’ve heard the fuss and want to board the steam locomotive hype train. There’s one question on your lips, and I’m here to answer it for you.
If you’re going to make a game called Villainous, you need charismatic Villains, and the Star Wars universe is full of them. Star Wars + Villainous mechanisms + a few new tweaks = Villainous 1.5, and I really like it.
The thrill of a re-purposed bread bin knocking seven bells out of a Tupperware box with a knife, is hard to beat. While Prometheus Game Labs’ Micro Bots: Duel might not be quite as violent on your table, it’s a cheaper and easier option for 1v1 robot carnage
In Distilled, you play the role of a character who has inherited an abandoned distillery. Your goal is to return it to its former glory, restoring your family’s name, and earning yourself the title of Master Distiller.
Stonemaier Games are back with their latest big release. This time, it’s a card game, based Pierce Brown’s books by the same name, Red Rising. It’s a game of strategy, timing, using your faction’s powers, and uniquely, ending the game with a strong hand. Sounds strange? Read on.
In a change from my usual style here, where I review games that tend to cover an entire table, today we’re going to look at one that fits in the palm of your hand. Jon Mietling’s 2018 game Palm Island comprises of just 17 cards, but can it contain a game worth buying in such a small package? Let’s find out.