Tagged: Mystery

Shake, Rattle and Roasted (Play Dead London) Review

This mystery is set in 1950s America, and the setting and characters really brought to mind a mix of Happy Days and Grease. A popular member of the school has been murdered (gasp!), the suspects have been gathered, and through the use of very progressive technology for the time, we – the detectives – can interview them.

Sherlock In Homes 2: Murder On Ice Review

Last year I had the pleasure of watching Sherlock In Homes: Murder at the Circus, which was brilliant. The lovely people at Sharp Teeth Theatre invited me back to take part in their new show, Murder on Ice over the weekend, and I was only too glad to attend.

Mystery Ingenuity

One of the best things I’ve ever done in the past, was to go to a professionally-run murder mystery evening. We went to a big manor house, had dinner and drinks with the cast while the mystery unfolded. I loved that, and I really want to do it again soon. There’s one big problem with that however, the biggest baddie we’ve come up against recently: Covid-19.

A Deadly Dose (Play Dead London) Review

Last night I had the pleasure to attend another online murder mystery, this time run by Play Dead London. It’s a mystery run by the actors, with the guests (me included) attend over Zoom. They reached out to me after my previous review of an online mystery, and offered me a chance to take part. Being the mystery fan I am, I jumped at the chance, and here’s how it was for me.

The Baker Street Irregulars Review

The Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective series of games have been around for nearly 40 years now, and this year saw the release of the latest of the bunch – The Baker Street Irregulars. Let’s see how good it is.

Sherlock In Homes Review

Sherlock In Homes is an online, interactive murder mystery. People connect over the Zoom video-conferencing software, and then watch and interview the actors of a murder mystery to test their sleuthing skills. But is it good? Let’s have a look.