Tagged: Wargame

crescent moon box art

Crescent Moon Review

Wargames tend to do asymmetry best. Crescent Moon is the new kid on the block, moving the strategy to a non-specific Caliphate, somewhere out in the desert.

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By Stealth and Sea Review

I have a lifelong fascination with submarines. I don’t know where it came from, or why it persists, but something about underwater warfare just does it for me. With my recent foray into wargames, it seemed like the perfect time to take the plunge, if you’ll pardon the pun

all bridges burning box art

All Bridges Burning Review

The abdication of the Russian Tsar is causing ripples in Finland, and the prospect of civil war looms large. What will the outcome be? That depends on the choices you make.

Gandhi (GMT Games) Review

My first foray into the world of proper wargames is with the game with the longest title in my collection. Gandhi: The Decolonization of British India 1917-1947, to give it it’s full name, is an asymmetric game from the undisputed masters of the modern wargame, GMT Games.